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Página inicial > Institucional > Programa de Pós-graduação > Presentation


1.1 Course

The Master's Degree Program in Animal Health is a tuition-free postgraduate course, based at the Animal Health Research Center – Instituto de Pesquisas Veterinárias Desidério Finamor (IPVDF), in Eldorado do Sul, Brazil, with presential and on-line remote classes (during the COVID-19 pandemic), laboratory and field research activities.

To obtain the Master’s Degree in Animal Health, the student must (i) develop an original experimentation research project under the guidance of one of the PPGSA supervisors and framed in the Program's research lines; (ii) fulfill 24 credits, at least 18 in classes; (iii) defend in public session the experimental results of the research project developed and be approved by a judging committee; (iv) demonstrate the ability to read and interpret scientific technical text in English through a proficiency exam according to PPGSA standards; (v) meet all of the above requirements within 24 months of enrolling in the course. 

1.2 Goals

The Master's Degree Program in Animal Health aims to prepare professionals with an adequate view to consider animal health within a globalized view of the markets, but consistent with their regional reality; the speed of generation and diffusion of products and information, and the need to be prepared to respond to changes in these scenarios quickly and appropriately. Within this vision, the PPGSA aims to train professionals who amplify the Department of Agricultural Research mission in its respective areas and locations of activity and with conditions to develop research in animal health, conduct laboratory analyzes for diagnosis, develop immunobiologicals, train human resources and disseminate technologies, acting as reference center in animal and public health in Rio Grande do Sul. 

1.3 Profile of the professional to be trained

The professional who graduated from the PPGSA will have the ability to participate, develop and critically evaluate research, teaching, extension and management activities, always addressing topics relevant to animal health, particularly when they are significant for the production chains that make up agribusiness in Southern Brazil. This professional will have multidisciplinary training on the different areas of activity of animal health, including prevention, control and pathological characterization of diseases, health protection, safety of animal products, production, biosafety, biotechnology, public health, food and environmental safety. The graduate will be able to execute, develop, evaluate and give a critical opinion on topics and actions related to different areas related to animal health, including activities of scientific research and generation, development and transfer of technology applied to agribusiness and education. Additionally, it is desired that the graduate:

  1. be able to critically propose and analyze policies and regulations relevant to animal health;
  2. acquire and develop knowledge about health, encompassing the vision of One-Health concept, interrelating animal, public and environmental health;
  3. have an adequate technical and scientific basis to analyze, plan, participate or execute technical activities, whenever they involve themes related to animal health and, at the same time, be able to seek information necessary to carry out such activities in an up-to-date manner;
  4. work with innovative concepts, both applying / perfecting knowledge produced in realities different from yours, and developing specific technology for your region of operation, in order to meet the specific demands of the agribusiness production chains in Southern Brazil.

Instituto de Pesquisas Veterinárias Desidério Finamor